South Shore Shower Door schools PJ about the difference between Starphire glass and Basic Glass. Why do some glass shower doors appear green and others are a clear blue?
All right, so we got Joe from SouthShore
south--SouthShore? ShowerDoor. SouthShore ShowerDoor.
SouthShore ShowerDoor. I got to use that in my warm up routine.
SouthShore ShowerDoor.
So we got our glass. We have our glass in. We have nice
Starphire glass here. Which is what exactly? Starphire glass is when
the glass manufacturer takes out iron from the regular clear glass.
It's basic glass, that's what it's called.
So they deionize the glass and then you get glass that looks
like this, which is crystal clear. It has a slight blue
hue to it, and it makes--As opposed
to that traditional--As opposed to that dark
green edge, almost looks black.
It's a very, very dark. Usually we use Starphire glass
when the tile is light, any darker tile.
Usually you can't see the difference between the clear and
the Starphire glass. So we kind of can save people money that way by using like the lesser expensive glass for some people.
But some people just like the best of everything so--
So basically in all our houses, which are all usually
kind of brightened, we use the Starphire glass.
Got it. And so the iron actually gives the glass more color?
Yeah, so no, the iron gives the glass a green hue.
That's not the cheapest stuff in the world.
Well, not the Starphire glass. Any glass door is expensive.
Exactly. These holes are like this. Is that all done when they make
the glass or is it done after? No, you can't--so once this
glass is made, you cannot touch it, you can't alter it in any
way because it's tempered. Tempered glass is safety glass.
So in case if it shatters like in a shower where you're probably not wearing clothes, it will crumble instead of coming off in big shards
and like slashing--Got it, like a windshield? Like a windshield. Who would have known that we would get an education on iron and glass?
Right, I know, it's crazy. But the reason why you see it,
because all shower glass is 3/8ths and sometimes 1/2 inch. So 1/2 inch glass, you'll see the green even more than a
3/8ths piece like this is. But this is Starphire. So you won't see it anyways.
Awesome, well, we'll let you guys do your thing.
If you need anything, you let us know and--yeah, thanks.
We appreciate it. Awesome. Make sure you get a
picture of my flexed arm. That's it.
PRO TIP: What is Starphire Glass?
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