I bought this on eBay, built it the same day I received it, left positive feedback and then found out the next day that it's actually a counterfeit of the real DSO Shell made by JYE Tech. It appears to me that pretty much every eBay store that is selling these DSO Shells are selling counterfeits. In this video I give a few simple pointers on what to look for that will determine if it's a fake or not. If you watch this video, with the knowledge you will gain, please avoid buying a counterfeit like I did and buy a real one!
Since it's a fully functional unit, even knowing that I can never do a firmware update on it, I decided to keep it and use this experience both as a warning to others who might want to build one and to give a quick overview of what it entails to build it. It's really a pretty simple project if you have any electronics and soldering experience at all.
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