Play together with Xbox Live Gold. November's 2017 Games with Gold lineup for Xbox One includes: Trackmania Turbo and Tales from the Borderlands. For Xbox 360 owners (and through Xbox One backward compatibility), November kicks off with NiGHTS into Dreams, followed by Deadfall Adventures. November's lineup provides over $104 dollars in value and up to 3400 in gamerscore.
Xbox - November 2017 Games with Gold
XboxXbox360xbox 360Xbox OneXbox One SGames with GoldXbox GoldXbox LiveXbox Live GoldNovember Games with GoldDeals with GoldTrackmaniaTrackmania TurboTales from the BorderlandsNiGHTS into DreamsDeadfall Adventuresfree gamesfree video gamesgame subscriptionBackward CompatibilityXbox One Backward Compatibility