In this exclusive interview with famous sculptor Arun Yogiraj, he shares the journey of creating the widely worshipped Ramlala idol of Ayodhya. Yogiraj, who has been hailed as a hero for his creation, discussed the emotional transformation the idol went through during the pranapratishtha rituals. The biggest revelation of the interview was Yogiraj’s dedication and sacrifice for the project – he refrained from any commercial activities and spent time living in a children's camp to get the essence of Ram Lalla. The idol, according to him, is more gorgeous in reality and he encourages everyone to witness it directly. This interview provides a deeper understanding of the spiritual and artistic process Yogiraj embraced while sculpting the revered idol. His commitment and unwavering focus made the endeavour a success, with people across the nation praising his creation. #ArunYogiraj #RamlalaIdol #Sculpture #Ayodhya #rammandir #rammandirnews
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