"Emergency Call 112 – The Fire Fighting Simulation" offers players an exceptionally detailed and thrilling portrayal of the bustling life within a major city's fire department. Created in collaboration with the Mülheim fire brigade in Germany, this simulation mirrors one of Europe's largest and most modern fire stations.
This game sets a new standard in realism, especially with the LF24 fire truck, showcasing comprehensive equipment and functionality. Players can also utilize a fully operational water tender, turntable ladder, and swap body vehicle, along with a command vehicle for strategic management. Additionally, all equipment can be removed from the vehicles and stored for future use, enhancing the strategic depth of the gameplay.
Minimum system requirements:
- OS: Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10 (64 bit).
- Processor: 2,6 GHz.
- Memory: 8 GB RAM.
- Graphics: min. 1 GB VRAM (no support for onboard cards).
Hungary Firefighters in Action – Emergency Call 112
gameplaytutorialhowtohow-toguidewalkthroughmodco-opvideogamefootagesingleplayerplaythroughemergency call 112the fire fighting simulationfirefightfirefighterfire brigadefire112emergencythe fire fightingsimulationsimulatorfire departmentfire truckrealisticnotruf 112fire stationfire enginenotruf 2emergency call 112 the fire fighting simulation 2emergency call 2first respondersresponderslondonlfbalarmsirenengineukchiefcommander