These are my favourite african cichlids by far, pseudotropheus saulosi (sometimes called chindongo saulosi). They are a dwarf mbuna from the Lake Malawi. I love them because you get two colors with one species of fish (blue males and yellow females and juveniles). This is my species spotlight of these fish, I hope you enjoy it!
Pseudotropheus Saulosi Species Spotlight
pseudotropheus saulosisaulosichindongo saulosipseudotropheusspecies spotlightmbunadwarf mbunalake malawibreeding african cichlidsafrican cichlidscolorful african cichlidscichlidsbreeding pseudoropheus saulosifish roomfishroomfish room tourlake malawi cichlidspseudotropheus saulosi (organism classification)mbuna tankpseudotropheus saulosi carepseudotropheus saulosi breedingpseudotropheus saulosi tankpseudotropheus saulosi tank sizefish