In this episode Ruth Bancewicz meets Revd Dr David Wilkinson, an astrophysicist, Methodist minister, theologian and project leader of Equipping Christian Leadership in an Age of Science (ECLAS).
We explore how a scientist could come to believe in the incarnation, its significance for a physicist, how a scientist might process the dawning realisation that God exists, and how church leaders can preach on John 1 at Christmas time.
Check out the supporting advent and Christmas resources.
What’s a scientist doing believing in the incarnation?
scienceChristianityFaraday InstituteFaraday ChurchesFaraday Institute for Science and ReligionBibleFaithReligionChurchscientistscientistswonderaweworshipChristmasAdventDavid WilkinsonJohn 1carol serviceincarnationbabybornJesusMaryconceivedstarastronomyuniversesolar systemsupernovacosmologyastrologymagiwise menbelieverealitytruthChristmas storyGospelsGospelpreachcallministryministerMethodisthistoricalevidencemiraculousdark energy