Title: BacTail : Target, Kill and Self-Destroy, an innovative way to fight against antimicrobial resistance
Abstract: Since the discovery of antibiotics, their massive and repeated use has led to the appearance of resistant bacteria for which no treatment exists. This is a major healthcare issue to which the IONIS Paris 2020 team is trying to respond. BacTail aims at designing tailor made therapeutic bacteria with three main abilities: Target, Kill and Self-Destroy. The first step is inspired by the specific recognition capabilities of bacteriophages. We will express their binding proteins on the surface of our bacteria. After binding to the pathogenic target, our bacteria will secrete specific antimicrobial peptides to kill it. For environmental and safety purposes, in order to prevent their dissemination, our bacteria is designed with an integrated kill-switch system. Once its mission is completed, it will self-destroy. All in all, BacTail is an innovative way to safely and locally target and kill antibiotic resistant bacteria.
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