Let’s discuss counter terrorism - CT - operations and why they are so hard to do. We will do this by discussing: Definition, Strategy, Jurisdiction, Authorities, Permissions, Intelligence, Cooperation, Readiness, Tiers & Redundancy.
Counterterrorism incorporates the practice, military tactics, techniques, and strategy that governments, military, law enforcement, business, and intelligence agencies use to combat or eliminate terrorists, their organizations or networks, in order to render them incapable of using evil to instill fear and to coerce the government or citizens to react in accordance with these terrorists' goals.
Christopher Littlestone and “Life is a Special Operation” teach the tools and strategies of the military and elite special operations community to civilians, businesses, and high-net-worth-families.
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SECURITY… so you can Keep Your Family or Small Business Safe
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ELITE PERFORMANCE… so you can Win - Lead - Succeed
“Special Operations Mindset” – Develop a Champion’s Mindset [ Ссылка ]
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FITNESS… so you can Dominate your Day
“Special Operations Fitness” – 12-week Training Program [ Ссылка ]
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Thanks for watching,
Christopher Littlestone
Life is a Special Operation
Are You Ready for It?
00:00 Introduction
00:25 Charity Event
00:46 Definition
01:14 Strategy
02:24 Jurisdiction
03:15 Authorities
03:59 Permissions
04:21 Intel
04:54 Cooperation
05:25 Readiness
05:40 Tiers
06:26 Redundancy
07:22 Question
How Hard is CT - Counter Terrorism?
DefinitionStrategyJurisdictionAuthoritiesPermissionsIntelligenceCooperationReadinessTiers & RedundancyCTCounter terrorismCounterterrorismjsocdelta forcedeltastrategyleadershipmindsetfitnessSpecialoperationsspecial operationsspecial forceseliteperformanceforcesnavy sealarmynavyairforceair forcemarinesboot camptraininghow hardconfidencePJraidersealgreen beretTACPJTACreconstrategicplanningjockoextreme ownershipdeadly skills