Hikari Vibra Fish Food I use:
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The Underwater Camera I use, GoPro Hero 7:
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50 Gallon Tub:
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Santa Claus Dumbo Ear Guppies develop till giving birth. These guppies are cool since they are really white and have Dumbo White Ears.
I Really Like This Guppy
Guppyguppiesdumbo guppydumbo guppiesmosaic guppysanta claus guppysanta claus guppieswhite guppywhite guppieselephant ear guppyelephant ear guppieselephant earbreeding guppybreeding guppiesguppy frybreed guppyguppy fishblue guppybeautiful guppyred guppyred guppieshawaii hobbisthobbisthawaii hobbyisthobbesttubstubbreeding fishfrybaby guppybaby guppies