When: 7:30 pm IST, 12th April, 2022
Ask Sonali Devlal, Self-Image Coach, Corporate Trainer and with a strong purpose to facilitate transformation in women through her Positive Self-Image trainings! She uses New Code NLP in her personal and professional life!
Ask her:
How is NLP useful?
How can one use New Code NLP in real life?
How can NLP be used in training and coaching?
How can women use NLP in their life?
Live Q & A with Sonali on NLP - Ask my coachee
new code nlpnlpnlp techniquesnlptrainingNeuro linguistic programmingcoachcoachingmomentsPractitionernew nlpnlpcoachnlpcoadnlpcoachtrainingnewnlpcodetrainingprofessionalcoachnlptechniquesnlppractitionernewcodeonlinenewcodenlpcoachonlinenlpworkshopnewnlpnlpmomentsnlpcoachingnlpselfhelpnlptrainerinspirationmotivationalnlpnlpcoachingcenternlplifeNLP PractitionerNLP