The Queen of Orchids (Grammatophyllum speciosum) is believed to be the largest species of orchid in the world.
Also known as Tiger Orchid and Sugar-cane Orchid the flowers that bloom once a decade last for a month or two.
Our Queen of orchids seems to thrive by the entrance of our gate.
This native orchid of South-east Asia, has a sweet yet not over powering scent and fire ants seem to love it.
Apparently they can grow to be over 8 feet tall and weigh in access of a ton. Also the root system is sharp and thorny which makes moving it almost impossible, so if you’re lucky to get one, be careful were you set yours down.
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#giantorchid #tigerorchid #queenorchid
GRAMMATOPHYLLUM SPECIOSUManggrek grammatophyllum speciosumtiger orchid planttiger orchid flowertiger orchid picturetiger orchidsorchid queengiant tiger orchidthe largest orchid in the worldworld's largest orchidanggrek terbesar di duniaanggrek terbesarorkid terbesarorkid terbesar di duniathe world largest orchid speciestiger orchidgrammatophyllum speciosumsugar cane orchidorkid harimau berbungaorkid harimauorkid harimau hutan