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Plataform: Nintendo 64
Game: Mortal Kombat 4
Player: Dark Noob
Level: Ultimate
Hey guys, what's up?
After a long time, here we are again picking up mortal kombat 4 featuring the 4th playthrough as: Sub-Zero with lot of combos and some cool glitches, thanks to dedmk and all the guys with their old footage stuff who keep helping me to keep puting more effort on every old-new MK game I want to work on, hope you guys enjoy this!
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Mortal Kombat 4 - Sub-Zero【TAS】
TASvideosglitchescombosTASTAS 2021Tool Assisted SuperplayTime-Attack 100%Fighting Games TASmortal kombatmortal kombat 4Mortal Kombat TASTAS/TAPTAS MKMortal Kombat 4 Sub Zero playthroughSubzeroScorpionQuanchisubzero combofaqMortal Kombat 4 cmvcombos 100%infinite comboMK4 Maximum damageNintendo 64MidwayDark Noob