Setkonoska double - fallopomycete fungus of the family Veselkova, kind of Veselka. He is also called Dictiofor doubled.
The Latin name is Dictyophora duplicata.
Outwardly, it is a very original mushroom. It belongs to inedible, but healing species.
Description of twin set
The young fruit body is ovoid, spherical or cylindrical. Its diameter is 4-5 centimeters. The color of the fruit body is white first, then yellow-white and light brown. Over time, the shell covering the fruit body, is broken on the blade, and remains at the base. The leg is cylindrical in shape, inside is hollow, spongy. The color of the legs is white, and its upper part ends in a conical ribbed mesh hat. With age, the cap becomes olive-green, mucous. From the place where the cap is attached to the leg, a kind of net departs, this formation hangs down to half or to the end of the leg. . Also twin sets are known in Central Asia, Ukraine, Lithuania and Kazakhstan.
These mushrooms grow in deciduous forests. They settle on humus-rich soil or on decayed woody debris. There are twin sets of cone-beetles very rarely. They grow in groups or singly. Produce from July to September. Convenience of set nets is dual
Young specimens are edible. In addition, twin sets have been used in traditional medicine, they help to treat rheumatism and gout.
The number of twin sets
These mushrooms are on the pages of the Red Book of Russia, Moscow Region and Ukraine. The number of this species is reduced, but the factors that contribute to this trend are not identified. It is believed that the disappearance of double-set necks is associated with climate change.
Growing rapidly - at 5 mm per minute. In two or three hours it reaches sizes up to 30 centimeters and above. Then, from under the cap, almost instantly it falls to the very ground and a beautiful net veil unfolds with its skirt. Because of which the mushroom is also called 'lady with veil'
At night, the veil glows with a bright emerald light. So that instead of day flies, night flies fly.
And by the morning from the lady with the veil there is literally a wet place.
This magnificent mushroom-flower after ripening lives only a day ...
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лечебный гриб - Сетконоска сдвоенная
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