What proves that RK committed Shirk (Associating-partners with Allah) is when you open his English translation of the Quran, in the introduction, at the heading Before Genesis, RK says that SATAN is a “temporary God” on EARTH. And Temporary is a very deceptive word here because Satan has been on Earth since Adam and will remain until the Day of Judgment (38:78-79, 15:35-36, 17:62, 7:14). Thus, that is a very long interim for a “temporary-God”. This is how he says it in his own words, which are his opinions and the Quran DOES NOT say any of this as follows:
{It all began a few billion years ago when one of God's high-ranking creatures, Satan, developed a supercilious idea that he could run a dominion as an independent god besides God. (no where will you find this in The Quran – Deception & Shirk) This challenge to God's absolute authority was not only blasphemous, it was also erroneous. Satan was ignorant of the fact that God alone possesses the ability to be a god, and that there is much more to godhood than he realized. (again no where will you find this in The Quran) It was the ego - arrogance augmented by ignorance - that led Satan to believe that he could take care of a dominion, as a god, and run it without disease, misery, war, accidents, and chaos. (Again no where will you find this in The Quran) The vast majority of God's creatures disagreed with Satan. Yet, the minute egoistic minority that agreed with him in various extents were in the billions (Where did he find this?). Thus, a profound dispute erupted within the Heavenly Community (38:69). The rebels' unjustifiable challenge to God's absolute authority was met and resolved in the most efficient manner. After giving the rebels sufficient chances to denounce their crime and submit to Him, God decided to exile the hard core rebels on a space ship called Earth, and give them yet another chance to redeem themselves.}
So all that was purely a lie and opinionized by RK as none of that is in The Quran besides the arrogance which I will be coming back to soon. Nowhere does Satan say during the debate or before the feud in The High Society (38:69) that he claims to be a God in the Quran. Rather – Satan refuses to prostrate when Allah SWT had commanded. He thus disobeyed. Then, Allah SWT made sure if Satan was arrogant or not for his disobedience. And Satan proved to be Arrogant. Furthermore, Satan was not even Satan then. He was called “Ibilis” until he DISOBEYED. Then after Allah debased him (7:13 and made him Rajim 15:34 38:77), and cursed him (4:118, 15:35, 38:78), then he became Satan (18:50, 17:64, 4:117 & 120). Thus everything RK assumed were lies. Now look what he says,
If you claim that you can fly a plane, the best way to test your claim is to give you a plane and ask you to fly it. This is precisely what God decided to do in response to Satan's claim that he could be a god; (again Satan or Ibilis in reality NEVER says that) God appointed him a temporary god on the tiny speck Earth (2:30, 36:60). As for those who agreed with Satan, they were given a chance to kill their egos and submit to God's absolute authority. While the vast majority of the guilty creatures took advantage of this opportunity, a minuscule minority consisting of about 150 billion creatures failed to take advantage 33:72).
Thus, here you can clearly see that RK has committed Shirk and forged a terrible lie that ‘This is precisely what God decided to do in response to Satan's claim that he could be a god - God appointed him a temporary god on the tiny speck Earth’. Then he references 2:30 and 36:60.
Please watch the video for full details.
Part 1
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Part 2
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