The story of "The Fox and the Stork" an Aesop's fable retold by Monkey Tales, is a delightful tale about a clever fox named Felix and his friend Stella the Stork. Felix plays a prank on Stella by serving soup in flat dishes, making it tricky for her to eat with her long beak. Instead of getting upset, Stella invites Felix to her house. The next day, she serves a delicious treat in tall glasses, leaving Felix unable to enjoy it.
The story teaches kids the importance of fairness, kindness, and treating others as you wish to be treated.
Parents and teachers can use this tale to instill values of empathy, friendship, and the golden rule—making it an entertaining and educational story for young minds.
Subscribe to Monkey Tales YouTube channel for more moral and folktale stories. Watch new videos uploaded every week.
links to other Bahamian Folktales and Moral stories for kids
Video link
1. The Secret of Mermaid Pond - [ Ссылка ]
2. The Dog and the Bone - [ Ссылка ]
3. Patch in Bennie - [ Ссылка ]
4. Lion and the Mouse - [ Ссылка ]
5. The Tree and the Reed - [ Ссылка ]
6. Shadow the Stubborn Goat - [ Ссылка ]
7. Two Stubborn Goats - [ Ссылка ]
8. Lusca's Underwater Adventure - [ Ссылка ]
9. City mouse and Country Mouse- [ Ссылка ]
10. The Ox and the Frog. - [ Ссылка ]
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