First Days In Our NEW, HOMEMADE Milk Parlor!!!
Wholesome Living Dairy Homestead is our family farm. We are building an A2 raw milk Guernsey cow dairy farm from scratch, one nail, one glass bottle, one cow at a time. This channel chronicles our family's journey from the very beginning through the present. Follow along as we celebrate each milestone we make toward our ultimate goal of a fully functional family dairy farm offering premium quality, nourishing food.
Come and join us as we work to grow our family's new channel and connect with like minded folks within the YouTube homesteading community.
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First Days In Our NEW, HOMEMADE Milk Parlor!!!
Entrepreneursmall business entrepreneursmall farm businessfarmer entrepreneurfarm businessdairy farm entrepreneurdairy farmGuernsey cowsmilk parlorDIY milk parlormilkhousemilk house4 cow milk parlor4 cow parlorfarm from scratchbuilding a businessbuilding a farm businesscowsanimalshomesteadingDIYworking farmGuernseymilking machine for small farmshomestead living