Exchanging energy with a tree is a sweet way of communicating and listening to trees, having a reciprocal relationship, and deepening your connection with everything alive. This Energy Alchemy practice helps you reconnect with the earth; learn to receive from nature spirits; align your love, vision, and sacred power; and move your energy.
Meg Beeler—Author, Shamanic Guide, and Spiritual Mentor—helps clients heal soul and spirit, find luminous presence, and move energy to remove blockages through mentoring, training, healing, and ceremony. She is a lifelong explorer of shamanic, animist, and meditative consciousness who practices Earth-centered, nature-based, ancient wisdom ways, and studied Andean mysticism extensively with the Q’ero in Peru.
Meg is the creator of Energy Alchemy™ & founder of Earth Caretakers Wisdom School. She writes for Elephant Journal, Healers, and Shaman Portal Quarterly.
Author of Weave the Heart of the Universe into Your Life: Aligning with Cosmic Energy, she is a contributing author and photographer to Where the World Begins: Sonoma Mountain Story and Image.
She works with clients worldwide, and lives on Sonoma Mountain in the San Francisco Bay Area. www.megbeeler.com
Energy Alchemy Exchange Energy with a Tree
Energy AlchemyMeg Beeler.comconnecting with treesshifting consciousnessexchange energylisten to treesenergy healingsacred powervisionintentspiritbalancelife challengesstuck patternsradianceopen heartjoyhow to changereciprocityshifting energytree spiritstransformationpeaceancient indigenous wisdomnature connectionnature spirits