Please join us!
Andrey Vasilyev and Tim Craig, founders
6-week laboratory sessions where all students progress together (no new admissions after the second class). Classes are small to facilitate individual attention. Every student works each session. Two teachers per class. We are seeking serious actors who are eager to learn and practice a deep philosophy of acting.
Specialties: Scene Study, Acting Technique, Speech, On-Camera Technique.
Our technique provides students with tools to mine the printed text for given circumstances, character, objective, and action — noting the opportunities and limitations that the printed word presents — and promotes both the freedom and responsibility of the actor as an interpretive artist.
Using our Stanislavski techniques, students will be able to answer these questions:
1. What are they passionate about?
2. What are they longing to express?
3. What are their concerns and desires?
Stanislavski's SystemConstantin Stanislavski (Author)Film (Media Genre)SAG-AFTRAAEAActors EquityScreen Actors GuildWriters GuildHollywoodactactingtheatretheaterdirectdirectingteachteachingAdlerStellaStella AdlerStrasbergLee StrasbergMeisnerfilmfilmmakingmoviesmovie actingBroadwaytechniqueacting techniquebehaviorhuman behaviorStanislavskyMethod ActingDramaFilm (Film)