A group of volunteers and neighbors in Milwaukee's Century City Triangle Neighborhood have teamed up to make a heavily urbanized area a better place to live by managing water where it falls with rain barrels.
A Green Luminary® helps protect our rivers and Lake Michigan by adopting practices that harvest rainfall for other uses, or mimic nature, by draining it into the ground to reduce water pollution.
To learn more about MMSD's Green Luminary® program visit: [ Ссылка ]
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Century City Triangle Neighborhood | Green Luminary® Award
mmsdrain barrelsrain gardensMilwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage DistrictLake MichiganCentury City Triangle Neighborhood AssociationWater pollutionstormwater runoffprotect lake michiganclean water solutionscommunity green infrastructurewater pollutionMMSDgreen infrastructure urban designstormwater managementhow to capture rainwatermilwaukee green infrastructurewater conservationsustainable community development