Seagull (Svartbak )My Old Handicap Friend Get Breakfast Cold November Morning. Abandoned Norway 2:17 7 years ago 1 139 Далее Скачать
This Svartbak #Seagull need Medical CARE / Its so Sad #seagulls fighting whith eachother in Bergen Nina Standal Taekwondoin 4:18 10 days ago 20 Далее Скачать
Svartbak #seagull Singing for food *Intense #birds #birdsounds and Funny #crows in December 8’ Nina Standal Taekwondoin 6:25 10 days ago 40 Далее Скачать
Svartbak Seagull is about to be week/ Nature destroy The sick and they have to fight all the time Nina Standal Taekwondoin 3:42 8 days ago 8 Далее Скачать