The Bean sprouts have a sweet and refreshing taste. You will know why the restaurant sells so hot. 一画美食 7:34 3 years ago 13 824 Далее Скачать
【如何種植花生芽】- 種花生芽的方法 │種植新手🖐在家也能種出🏡清甜爽脆的花生芽 (How to grow peanut sprouts at home?) Look One Look 1:41 3 years ago 37 435 Далее Скачать
【小炒花生苗🥜】芽菜近親?花生苗點煮好?Stir-fried Peanut Sprouts with Dried Shrimp [Eng Sub] 點 Cook Guide 14:24 3 years ago 64 942 Далее Скачать
Peanut buds, you like it 100%. From peanuts to peanut buds, all the details are here. 墨澜时光 4:20 3 years ago 13 205 Далее Скачать
漆黑的房间里摆满了黑箱子!想把花生芽种好,竟然要在伸手不见五指的环境里?丨「田间示范秀」20230514 农业致富经 Agriculture And Farming 24:56 1 year ago 16 001 Далее Скачать
I didn't expect peanut buds to be so delicious, sweet and refreshing, appetizing and relieving 胡斌哥美食 6:07 2 years ago 3 206 Далее Скачать