Startling details of the murder of a 23-year-old Delhi woman Nikki Yadav came to light on Wednesday, triggering eerie comparisons to the Shraddha Walker murder case. According to the police, Nikki Yadav was allegedly strangled to death by her live-in partner 24-year-old Sahil Gahlot. While Shraddha Walker was also strangled to death by her live-in partner Aaftab Poonawala. Both Nikki and Shraddha were kept in the fridge after their murder. Gahlot disposed of Nikki’s body in a fridge at the dhaba owned by his family in southwest Delhi. Aaftab Poonawala too chopped Shraddha in 35 pieces and kept it in his refrigerator. The murders took place in Delhi. Gahlot strangled Nikki in the car with a data cable after a heated argument. Aaftab killed Shraddha and disposed of her body parts in different locations in Delhi. Both the victims’ live-in-partners were in different relations. Gahlot married another woman soon after the murder while Aaftab called another woman to his room even as Shraddha's body parts were in the fridge.
#ShraddhaWalkar #AaftabPoonawala #mehrauli
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