This video demonstrates how plums are packed at a packinghouse in California.
This video was taken at Simonian Fruit Company in Fowler, California and shows the steps each plum goes through at the packinghouse, including being dry dumped onto the conveyor, going through a single-pass wash step, being hand sorted for quality, and then packed accordingly. Once the boxes are filled, they have a final weigh and quality check and are palletized.
Please check out [ Ссылка ] for more information related to the plum packing process.
FREEBIE: Get a copy of The Produce Nerd’s free eBook focused on the harvesting and postharvesting methods of fruits and vegetables here: [ Ссылка ]
FREEBIE: Learn how to select and store plums here: [ Ссылка ]
What I use to film (affiliate link): [ Ссылка ]
Video Chapters
0:00 Overview
0:10 Forced Air Cooling for 2 days after harvest
0:20 Dry bin dump onto the packing line
0:35 Single-pass wash step with sanitized water
0:45 Hand sorting
1:00 Sorting machine based on size and then pass through a labeling machine
1:33 Plum packing into trays or bulk boxes
1:43 Quality assurance to verify weight and that the box isn't filled too high
1:53 Second quality assurance step and then the packed fruit goes into cold storage
#plumpacking #plumpackinghouse #packingplums #californiaagriculture #simonianfruitcompany #stonefruitpacking
Plum Packing in California
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