Title: Futurama - (IMDB rating 8.0/10)
Episode: S3 E14 - Time Keeps on Slipping
Episode rating: 8.3/10
Aired: May 7, 2000
Summary: After being challenged to a game of basketball by the planet of the Globetrotters, Prof. Farnsworth creates a team of mutant, atomic supermen, but the side effects of their rapid growth endangers the universe.
Available on Disney + and Hulu | Welcome to our channel, where we bring you the best highlights and unforgettable moments from Futurama! Our goal is to showcase the funniest, most iconic, and unique scenes from the show, celebrating the wit and charm that make it a fan favorite. Each clip is carefully edited to provide a seamless and enjoyable viewing experience, all within the bounds of 'fair use' as defined by Section 107 of U.S. copyright law. By adding context and condensing content, we aim to create a fresh, engaging way to relive the brilliance of Futurama. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride through the future with us!
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