This is the trailer for "Growing Up Osprey" the latest film in production by Robert Lennox. The film is about the first five months of an osprey’s life. One will learn just about everything one needs to know from the beginning of an osprey's life until they are old enough to be left on their own – about 5 months. And, of course, you’ll learn all about the hard working, dedicated, and loyal parents, as well. The film is stunningly beautiful and significantly educational. Topics include: masters nest building, taking care of the eggs, rivalries in the nest, life adaptations, unbelievable fishing, practicing flying in a crowded nest, the attentive parents, identifying the adult osprey from eagles, fish preparation before being delivered to the nest, the unique operation of an osprey’s nostrils and eyes when they crash into the water, other birds sharing the osprey's nest, parents protecting nestlings from predators, the ubiquitous nature ospreys, and a lot more. The film will premiere on April 13th at the 2024 Virginia Osprey Festival ( in Colonial Beach, VA. The film is created for educators, birders, photographers, osprey lovers, those unfamiliar with the osprey and, of course, children. Robert Lennox is an award-winning Madison Avenue creative director, filmmaker, photographer, author, and educator. Remember to share, like and subscribe to this channel. Check back often for additional films
The Trailer for the film "Growing Up Osprey."
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