Navel Orangeworm has become a serious pest in California for many agricultural commodities, especially for tree nuts. Mating disruption technology has proven to be a critical tool in managing this pest; however some growers may have concerns with utilizing this technology on their farms. Check out this brief interview with Brad Higbee, now Field Research & Development Manager for Trece, Inc. as he works with growers to overcome concerns and clear up any misconceptions regarding this novel technology in the nut industry. Read more about it in Pacific Nut Producer Magazine. Don’t currently receive the magazine? Subscribe for free at: [ Ссылка ]
Concern for Navel Orangeworm Mating Disruption
California agCalifornia Ag NetMalcolm MediaMatthew MalcolmCalifornia Ag NetworkPacific Nut ProducerAmerican Pistachio ConferenceBrad HigbeeTrece IncTrece Mating DisruptionMating Disruption Navel OrangewormNavel Orangeworm ManagementNavel Orangeworm ControlNavel Orangeworm Pistachiomating disruption pheromonemating disruption in agricultureNavel Orangeworm PuffersAgNet WestWest Coast NutAg AlertWestern Farm PressAgFax