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Drag Races at UTV Invasion St. Anthony Sand Dunes in IDAHO! It was so awesome hanging out with Andrew and Matt LaRue from LaRue Performance. The Packard boys were there also throwing down! It's crazy what these performance packages can do. Those side by sides were standing up on command! The wheelie contest was an absolute blast! I guess I wasn't technically a SXS in the Funco so I couldn't win a trophy, but it was fun putting on the show! Stay tuned, well get more content out soon! Thanks for your support!
#utvinvasion #stanthonysanddunes #sanddunes
Join us for Halloween weekend in Lake Havasu City for the American Side by Side Legends Tour! Huge events coming up. Thank you to all those who subscribe!
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Thanks for watching everyone! We are just turning gas into dirt! Riding anywhere and everywhere with anyone and everyone! We love to go fast and are always up for the adventure! If you want to come ride with us, send me an email at and let's go rip! Whether it's out on my 4-Mile private track or to any of the Side-by-side events, we are ready to go!
Video is made by Filmora
LaRue VS Packard! SXS Drag Race at Utv Invasion
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