With so many parts of the country experiencing brutal winter weather, like the "cyclone bomb" hitting the east coast, and winter storm Grayson I thought it would be a good time to talk a bit about different options of ice melt. Here I discuss the differences between rock salt- sodium chloride, ice melt blend- a blend of sodium chloride, magnesium chloride and a corrosion inhibitor, and my person favorite- calcium chloride.
I talk briefly about the advantages and disadvantages mostly between rock salt and calcium chloride as they are at the two farthest ends of the ice melt spectrum in terms of price and performance. Also these are the two that I have the most experience using. I end this video with a tip about spreading and storage- all VERY fascinating stuff! ... Ha ha! Okay, not at all, but I'm hoping some people will find it useful! Thanks for watching!
Ice Melting Options
DIYHow toClay CarlinoIce meltice melterice meltingrock saltsaltsodium chloridemagnesiummagnesium ice meltmagnesium chloridemagnmesium blendcalcium chloridecalcium ice melt.winter storm graysonbomb cyclonewinterwinter weatherfreezing weathericy sidewalkicy drivewaysnow daysnow removealice removalsnow and ice removalcorrosionfreezing temperaturesafe step