Learning about the atmosphere and ozone? well good your at the right place, this is a fun, funny and can be understood by all ages.
This is a visual way of seeing how we have effected the ozone and how it has effected us.
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i am here to help to if you want me to teach a certain subject ask me, ill get back to you asap and will try ansd teach that subject. again thank you and see you in the next video!
Ozone Explained!
Ozone explainedOzoneexplainedFunFUnnyExplanitaryVisualGraphicFunnyDyslexiaEducationTeenTopicsTeenTopics EducationTTELearningGlobal warming explainedAtmosphereAtmosphere explainededucationJordanTeensTopicsUV radiationEverything about ozoneOzone (Chemical Compound)FactsOnFacts on ozone97%Protectionsun burnsAtmosphere chemicalsDeadly chemicalsWhy we need to stop global warmingOzone revision