Here's a video I made on my last prospecting trip where I noticed 2 very large boulders sat up against each other, sitting on quite a shallow part of the river bed where I could see bedrock not far below the surface. The area looked like it had been worked a but however, the amount of material between these boulders made me think that this little cavern between the boulders hadn't been emptied of material as it took me 2 days to get everything I could out from between the boulders down to the bedrock floor they were sat on. I used a combination of the tools I had to hand to empty out the little cavern including my 2 1/2" manual gold pump dredge, shovels, scoops, snuffer bottles etc, anything I could use to retrieve material was used.
You can see when I place the camera under the water that there is still little bits of material here and there, this was mostly the lighter stuff that got disturbed when I was removing material just for it to re-settle again. I might have missed the occasional heavy here and there but considering I removed 5x5gl buckets of material from between the boulders, I struggled to get any more out so I moved on to another area. There are a few dubious pieces of material I've noticed after I put the camera under the water which makes me think I might have missed the off little bit (if you can spot any, tell me the time stamp and I'll check them out) but I got what I could before moving on.
I hope you like the video and please subscribe to my YouTube channel if you wish to keep up to date with my gold prospecting (as well as my new hobby of metal detecting in NE England) and take a look at my YouTube channel, I have 30+ videos uploaded now for your viewing pleasure, cheers.
Gold Prospecting Between 2 Large Boulders On Bedrock
prospecting for goldGoldgold recoverygold prospectingbedrock gold recoveryseperate goldgold rushsnipinggold snipinggold nuggetsfine goldhow to find goldhow to recovery goldwhere to find goldgold pumpgold dredgemanual goldmanual gold pumpmanual gold dredgescottish goldscotland goldscotland prospectingscottish gold prospectinghenderson pumpwater pumpgold grabbersgoldgrabbersgold bouldersProspecting (Literature Subject)