These Level Changes in Boxing Will Confuse Your Opponent! Tom Yankello of the @WorldClassBoxingChannel produced this video as a tribute to the late great Salvador Sanchez. Tom teaches one of his go to moves which is when he would throw the overhand right or a right cross when he would change levels and at the same time he would put his shield up which confuses the opponent on what to look at. At the same time, he is shielding his right hand and then he throws the right hand. This signature move of his confused his opponent with the level changes of dropping his body and raising his hand.
0:00 Introduction
0:31 Salvador Sanchez Signature Move
2:01 Sneaky Left Hook
2:30 Watch the Lead Hand. Level Change
3:00 Demonstration
5:25 Salvador Sanchez
These Level Changes in Boxing Will Confuse Your Opponent!
these level changes in boxingwill confuse your opponentTom YankelloWorld Class Boxing ChannelSalvador Sancheztribute to the late great Salvador Sanchezthrow the overhand rightput his shield upconfuses the opponent on what to look atshielding his right handthrows the right handconfused his opponent with the level changesconfused his opponentdropping his body and raising his handdropping his bodyraising his handlevel changes in boxingshield up