Fati i djalit te vetëm te Ahmet Zogut, Leka Zogut duket se ishte paracaktuar qe ne lindjen e tij. I ardhur ne jete ne 5 prill 1939, vetëm dy dite para pushtimit fashist, familja e tij la Shqipërinë, duke shënuar një sage arratie dhe zhvendosjesh ne disa shtete e kontinente.
Familja mbretërore kaloi përmes Greqisë ne Turqi, e me pas ne vitin 1941 ajo u strehua ne Angli. Pas Luftës se Dyte Botërore, Ahmet Zogu, Mbretëresha Geraldine dhe djali Leka u vendosen ne Egjipt, nen kujdesin e mbretit Faruku i Pare. E ndërsa Leka Zogu arsimohej ne shkolla britanike, ai përfundoi studimet për ekonomi ne Sorbone dhe me pas u angazhua ne ushtrinë britanike. Trashëgimia e fronit u realizua ne 5 prill 1957 dhe pas vdekjes se Mbretit Zog në 1961, Leka u shpall mbret i shqiptarëve nga Asambleja Kombëtare Shqiptare në mërgim. Pas martesës me australianen Suzan Kulen Ward, pretendenti për fronin u zhvendos ne Spanjë e vite me vone ne Johanesburg, Afrikën e Jugut. Ndryshimet politike i dhanë shprese Zogut te kthehej ne vendlindje. Por ne Shqipëri ishte ende ne fuqi ligji i miratuar ne vitin 1946 qe ndalonte hyrjen e familjes mbretërore. Kështu, ne vizitën e pare ne Shqipëri pas arratise, ne vitin 1993, Leka Zogu u përzu për 24 ore nga vendi, me urdhër te presidentit te kohës Sali Berisha. Katër vjet me vone ne vitin 1997 referendumi rrezoi monarkinë si rend, dhe vete Leka Zogu u vu ne telashe pas daljes i armatosur e me uniforme ushtarake, ne bulevard. Ne vitin 2002 disa deputete te majte dhe te djathte nënshkruan një peticion me kërkesën qe familja mbretërore te lejohej te kthehej e te vendosej ne Shqipëri, por pa shfuqizuar kurrë formalisht ne parlament, vendimin qe ia ndalonte Zogolleve një gjë te tille. Pas këtij viti, Leka Zogu dhe familja e tij u integrua ne shoqërinë shqiptare dhe tashme edhe protokolli shqiptar e ka te përfshirë statusin e kësaj familjeje. Lega Zogu ndërroi jete kur Shqipëria sapo ka nisur rrugëtimin drejt 100-vjetorit te pavarësisë, ngjarje për te cilën kryeministri Berisha ka premtuar edhe kthimin nga Franca ne Shqipëri, te eshtrave te Ahmet Zogut.
The fate of the only son of Ahmet Zog, Leka Zog seemed predestined since his birth. I come to life on April 5, 1939, just two days before the Fascist invasion, his family left Albania, marking a flight sage and relocations in some countries of continents.
Passed through the Greek royal family in Turkey, and then in 1941 she fled to England. After World War II, Ahmet Zog, Queen Geraldine and son Leka was placed in Egypt, under the auspices of the First King Faruk. And while Leka Zog arsimohej in British schools, he completed studies in economics at the Sorbonne and later was involved in the British army. Inheritance of the throne was held in April 5, 1957 and after the death of King Zog in 1961, Leka was proclaimed king of the Albanians by the Albanian National Assembly in exile. After marrying australianen Kulen Susan Ward, pretender to the throne was moved to Spain and years later in Johannesburg, South Africa. Political changes Zog gave hope to return to the homeland. But in Albania was still in force law adopted in 1946 that prohibited the entry of the royal family. Thus, we first visit to Albania after the escape, in 1993, Leka Zog was expelled for 24 hours by country, by order of President Sali Berisha to time. Four years later a referendum in 1997 toppled the monarchy as a sequence, and Leka Zog himself was in trouble after leaving the armed military uniform, in the boulevard. In 2002 some deputies left and signed a petition to demand that the royal family be allowed to return and to settle in the country, but without ever formally repealed in Parliament, the decision to ban him Zogolleve such a thing. After this year, Leka Zog and his family was integrated in Albanian society and Albanian protocol now also has to include the status of this family. Lega bird died when Albania has just begun the journey towards the 100-year anniversary of independence, an event for which the Prime Minister Berisha has promised to return from France in Bangladesh, the bones of Ahmet Zog.
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