There were reports for a long time that Shanaya Kapoor, daughter of Bollywood actor Sanjay Kapoor, would make her debut in films. Now it has been announced. just like other star kids like Alia and Varun, Karan Johar will also launch Shanaya. Sanjay Kapoor and Maheep Kapoor's daughter Shanaya Kapoor's Bollywood debut was being speculated for a long time. It is now confirmed that Shanaya will make her Bollywood debut under Karan Johar's production house Dharma Productions. Karan Johar has announced on Instagram that Shanaya will make her acting debut through Dharma Cornerstone Agency.
Today through social media, Dharma Production has reported that Shanaya has signed on to Dharma Cornerstone Agency; While sharing the video, Karan Johar wrote, Another beautiful addition to our growing @dcatalent family! Welcome to the #DCASquad, @shanayakapoor02. Her enthusiasm, perseverance, and diligence are so amazing to see. Join us in showering your love & blessings as she begins her first film with @DharmaMovies, this July! Watch this space for film details!!!'
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