I added a small animation to the chunks that are played after they are generated. It looks quite good. I have to experiment more with the render distance fog though, because I fought a little bit with my shaders. They didn't want to display both the distant fog and the bloom effect.
There is also a day and night cycle, a sun and a moon. Nothing special. Just big cubes in the sky. I will redo them someday. They look a little bit out of place.
The new diagram that you can see on the debug screen (which I opened at night so you can't read the debug text) displays the workload of the background worker threads. Each color stands for one thread. I forgot to change the title of the diagram😅.
Yeah so this means I implemented thread pools for background tasks, like building meshes, generating landscapes and more.
Also, my computer doesn't like recording particles smoothly apparently. 😂
Bye bye 👋
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