The 250K Portfolio was up +11,450 to get back yesterday's losses and post a gain on the week. We are about 3k away from last Thursday's equity peaks.
The Nasdaq strategies were 10 for 12 and the S&P strategies were 2 for 3. It was a nice trading day, but bittersweet as technical issues had us underperforming our strategies by 9k.
In trading there is always the good, the bad, and the perspective. The good is we recaptured yesterday's losses. The bad is we unperformed hypotheticals by 9k and missed out on the type of day we anticipated yesterday and have been waiting for all summer. The perspective is, we are still ahead of the hypotheticals on the quarter since we waited for a drawdown to start in July. Also, we are only about 1k away from the hypotheticals on the month since we were about 8k ahead of the hypotheticals after skipping out trading on CPI.
The charts went blank on me on my automation server, so I exited the open positions on my desktop platform and tried to turn on automation again on my live server. After several failed attempts to reboot the dedicated server successfully. The market looked a bit "flashy". The Nasdaq can quickly move 100 points and I didn't want to have 7 positions unmanaged along with open orders.
After I exited the longs, the market reversed, moving higher, and I could not get back in without increasing my risk, so we missed some good gains this afternoon. Trading is challenging. When you have technical errors during the day when many strategies are trading, it can push your limits - especially psychologically. It's difficult to manually manage many strategies in a fast market and transitioning to a backup server is not always quick and easy.
We discuss one of the benefits of the PMMA's (Portfolio Money Management Algorithms) is that you are only automating one chart so it can become easier to manage during technical outages.
Since the hypotheticals posted equity peaks and we did not, we are waiting for a small drawdown to sync back up with the hypothetical drawdown.
I will trade Robot 2022 NQ for tomorrow's trade and wait on a drawdown to start the others.
We have 3 trading days left this week and 2 trading days left in the month. We want to wait for a small drawdown to sync up with the strategies again so that we don't have a bigger loss than the max drawdown if we hit the max drawdown.
We go over yesterday's Nasdaq price action. There were about 6, 100 point moves in a 100-point range. There was so much energy in the market yesterday and you could see it in the order book. A breakout of 300 points or half of the 600 point moves yesterday makes a lot of sense.
I anticipate a strong trend into the Labor Day Holiday weekend based on the price action. The market typically chops after a day like today so I anticipate some chop early tomorrow to give us a good re-entry point. We are about 600 points from the July highs in the Nasdaq.
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