In the latest Bhagya Lakshmi twist, Rishi discovers Laxmi's pregnancy report, leaving him overjoyed while Neelam is left in shock! With Malishka's condition worsening and family drama intensifying, how will Neelam handle the double pregnancy revelation? Meanwhile, Ayush and Shalu confront Neel, leading to an explosive showdown. Don't miss the emotional rollercoaster as secrets unravel and new challenges emerge! Stay tuned for all the exciting updates from Bhagya Lakshmi!
SEO Keywords:
Bhagya Lakshmi twist, Laxmi pregnancy report, Rishi and Laxmi news, Neelam shocked, Malishka drama, Ayush and Shalu confront Neel, Bhagya Lakshmi updates, Bhagya Lakshmi upcoming episode.
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