→ What will this session be about?
To show how Nonprofit Organizations have successfully funded accessibility initiatives, research and products by sharing lessons learned and practical advice on how to win funding for accessibility.
→ About the speakers:
• Ariel Simms is President and Chief Executive Officer of RespectAbility, a nonprofit organization fighting stigmas and advancing opportunities so people with disabilities can fully participate in all aspects of community.
• Bonnita Nyamwire is the Head of the Research Department at Pollicy Uganda. She oversees and manages all aspects of research in the department for both qualitative and quantitative research projects. Bonnita is also a mentor to junior members of the research department as well as partners that collaborate with Pollicy Uganda. Her area of specialization is digital rights research and advocacy.
• Gavin Freeguard is a freelance consultant working with mySociety on their TICTeC Labs programme. He is also an associate at the Institute for Government (where he was previously programme director responsible for their work on data and digital government), a special adviser at the Open Data Institute and a member of the Public Digital network.
• Sofía Corona is Code for All's Co-Director, where she helps manage funder relations, communities of practice, and organizational strategy for the Network. She has been involved in the civic tech ecosystem for about four years now, working previously with the Mexican organization Codeando México and focusing on digital citizen engagement, open data, and community building.
• Whitney Pfeifer is a Program Manager for Inclusion at the National Democratic Institute, supporting teams to be more intentional about the inclusion of citizen voices and marginalized groups, including persons with disabilities, LGBTQI+ communities, and ethnic and religious minorities.
The Code for All Summit is an annual event that brings civic technologists together from around the world. This year, it will take place on September 19 - 22nd and will focus on:
→ Combating Climate Change
→ Fighting Authoritarianism with Community & Tech
→ Accessibility & Inclusion in Civic Tech
→ Building Community Engagement
The summit will be a space to deliberate and examine civic tech’s works, lessons, and impact on a global scale; an opportunity to meet online, connect and share insights.
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00:00 Intro
02:21 Exploring non-profit initiatives around accesibility
03:40 How Pollicy has been able to fund accessibility in Uganda
09:37 How mySociety's TICTeC Labs Project has funded accessibility and inclusivity projects
17:27 How funding programs are helping civil society carry out democracy and governance projects
24:52 How a disabled person has a full life in the community
35:00 Advising on how to ensure stable and sustainable funding over time
37:00 Including disabled people in key-decision making processes
40:10 Key lessons from TICTeC Labs
43:23 Pollicy's keyway to getting projects on the ground
50:00 Future of accessibility in the non-profit space
54:28: Final remarks
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