Trout Fish Farming
Small-Scale Trout Farming. Raising rainbow trout commercially is a profitable alternative to conventional agriculture that can be practiced with very little land, provided that water conditions in the facility and the care and feeding of the trout are properly maintained.
Under optimal conditions, a rainbow trout can grow as much as one inch per month, but usually much less than that. If your trout grow a total of six inches per year, they are growing very well.
Although many species of trout exist, rainbow trout appears most often on restaurant menus and in fish markets. A nutrient-dense food, trout offers a variety of health benefits and is low in mercury, making it a safe addition to your diet.
Like other wild animals, trout feed on other aquatic animals including water-dwelling insects, minnows and crayfish. Some fish are cannibalistic, and will eat smaller members of their own species! Trout get sick in polluted water, as do the aquatic animals they eat for food.
This young man intrest in fish farming and this is his occupation also. From this occupation, he earning yearly 10 to 15 lac . He domesticate best quality trout fishes only . His domesticated trout fishes become so acquainted to him that they recognize his approach easily and swoop food from his hand.
Trout Fish Farm Skardu
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