Have you surfed the latest wave setting at the Wave in Bristol?
What are the differences between the Expert Turns and Advanced PLUS wave settings?
In this week's VLOG we share our experience of surfing the latest new Wave setting and throw in a bit of our personal opinion as to the differences.
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Video Credits:
Harry Shanker
John Carter
Greg Menager
Patrick Beven
Things On My Mind - The New Fools
Granny Dance - Scoobadive
Solid Centre - Dusty Decks
Hotwire - Brock Berrigan
Soft Speak - Siarate
Expert Turns vs Advanced PLUS, The Wave, Bristol
wavepoolwavegarden12 month challengeaverage joeaverage joe surfsurfingsurfadvanced plusadvanced waveadvanced plus vs advancedbristol wavebristol wavegardenmid lengthmid length surfingcutbacklose speed on wavesurf techniquesurf skillstomo shapesOB1 surfboardcymaticmodern planing hullsadvanced plus the wavebristolalaia baypop uppopping upcatching the waveurbnsurfthewavealaiabay