Relive the highlights of the grand drum festival, embrace the joy of thousands gathering together
"The 'One Beat, One World: Connecting Through the Drum’ series of activities is not stopping! Stay tuned for upcoming activities!"
"Missed the live concerts, percussion parades, and performances of drum competition winners? Watch the video and feel the captivating power of drumming"
The Hong Kong Drum Festival, founded by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, has been running for 20 years. Since the pandemic, it has once again connected Hong Kong people with others worldwide through the Drum Carnival and 5G Live Music concerts. Missed out on this year’s carnival? Don’t worry, you can now relive the experience through a memorable video that captures its joyful atmosphere and illustrates the mesmerising power of drumming. What’s more, we have other exciting events lined up to lift your spirits and keep the positive energy flowing. Please stay tuned for our latest updates!
「『鼓動心弦 連結世界』系列活動並未止步!後續活動,即將揭曉!」
香港中樂團 創辦的「香港鼓樂節」延續了20年,在疫情後與我們一起再次連繫港人,甚至世界各地,在鼓樂嘉年華及 5G 直播音樂會,以澎湃鼓聲為社會注入正能量。絕妙鼓藝、精湛表演、快樂歡騰的嘉年華氛圍,都收錄在精華片段當中,歡迎重溫!更多活動等著為你打氣,令正能量漣漪繼續蕩漾,請關注我們的最新動態!
#華懋集團 #至城以心心之所在 #人繁榮環境 #心之連繫連繫你我 #心繫社區 #凝聚更密切社區 #鼓動心弦連結世界 #香港鼓樂節20周年 #ChinachemGroup #PlacesWithHeart #PeopleProsperityPlanet #CareWithHeart #Community #HealthierCommunity #HongKongDrumFestival20A
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