Tired of working for his godfather, who's a notorious gunrunner, Keshav (Leander Paes) flees away with a bag of arms and boards the Rajdhani Express bound for Mumbai. He has no idea that he has been set up by his boss' daughter. She has reported him to the police, following which Deputy Commissioner Yadav (Jimmy Sheirgill) of Mumbai's Anti-Terrorism Squad wants to arrest him at any cost. While sharing the same cabin during the journey with some passengers, Keshav initially acts as an outcast before he is prompted to pull out a gun and eventually get declared a terrorist. This leads to Yadav hatching a scheme to settle scores with the minister and further silence the passengers who have understood his plan. With the train racing to Mumbai, Keshav must devise a plan to win back his freedom and expose Yadav.
Director - Ashok Kohli
Producer - Manoj Kejriwal, Ritika Kohli, Rajesh K Patel
Cast - Leander Paes, Sudhanshu Pandey, Priyanshu Chatterjee, Jimmy Sheirgill
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