In the mystical Book of Enoch, the Watchers are a group of angels who descend from heaven to Earth, captivated by the beauty of human women. These fallen angels, led by a character named Azazel, teach humanity forbidden arts and knowledge, such as the use of metals, cosmetics, and even the secrets of the cosmos.
As a result, their offspring, the Nephilim, wreak havoc on Earth, causing violence and corruption. The text describes the Watchers' actions as a grave sin, leading to their punishment by God. They are bound and imprisoned, awaiting judgment for their transgressions.
This tale of the Watchers serves as a cautionary allegory about the dangers of forbidden knowledge and the consequences of overstepping divine boundaries. It is a story that resonates through the ages, reminding us to tread carefully in our pursuit of understanding and power.
#watchers #angel #angles
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