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Ksatria Hydros Universitas Diponegoro Team, with the particular purpose of exercising and improving the innovation the hydromodelling field. Especially in the international scope, regrading to design analysis, and efficient hull's shape development in naval architecture. Other than that, the main motivation of this team is obtained by the awareness of how ships are highly used as the vehicle for transportations all over the world.
Yanagawa Solar Boat Festival was held since 1996, each year the level and participants of this event continued to increase. Participants from this event are secondary students, students and even companies.
In this event, participants were invited to use environmental friendly solar energy for environmental conservation through the creation of a solar boat prototype.
In addition, Yanagawa Solar Boat Festival was held as one of the branches of the competition from the Summer Water Festival in Yanagawa City.
Follow us on,
Instagram : @KsatriaHydros
Twitter : @KsatriaHydros
Facebook : Ksatria Hydros
Line @ : @qgk3961b
Email : hydrosundipteam@gmail.com
Website : ksatriahydros.undip.ac.id
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