The organs that connect the uterus with the ovary are called tubes. Usually, there are two tubes, one on each side of the uterus. They, not just function as a conduit for the transportation of eggs but are also the site of fertilization of sperm with the egg to form the embryo, which then rolls down to the uterus and attaches to make a woman pregnant.
So surely, when one or both tubes are blocked, fertility is impacted but it's still possible to get pregnant. In many cases, surgery can remove the blockage and if surgery isn't possible, IVF can help you conceive.
Watch this video to know the various options in detail.
#tubalblockage #infertility #drrhythmgupta #gynecologist
About Dr. Rhythm Gupta and Excel IVF
Becoming parents is the most blissful moment in a person’s life. Infertility not only affects the couple but equally disturbs the entire family. Excel IVF is one of the most trustworthy fertility hospital and IVF center in Delhi that renders exceptional patient care. For all kind of fertility challenges, Excel IVF offer highly specialized and comprehensive treatments including high-risk pregnancy and neonatology services.
Founded by Dr. Rhythm Gupta, a highly qualified IVF expert in Delhi, Excel IVF offers treatments of an exceptional team of specialists, sonographers, nurses, counselors, etc. who have high-end experience and exceptionally professional in their respective fields. Our efficient team is backed with the latest tools and technologies.
To know more
Consult Dr. Rhythm Gupta, an Infertility Specialist at Excel IVF.
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