The Andhra Pradesh Assembly session's first day began with high tension as TDP members protested, surrounding the speaker's podium, over the alleged illegal skill development case involving TDP leader Chandrababu Naidu. YCP MLAs also joined the fray, with Ambati Rambabu confronting Balakrishna, a TDP MLA, and challenging him to show his famous mustache-twisting act from movies. The exchange of challenges and counter-challenges created chaos in the House, setting a fiery tone for the session.
#APAssembly #TDPProtest #SkillCase #ChandrababuNaidu #AmbatiRambabu #Balakrishna #politicaltensions
Andhra Pradesh Assembly session
TDP protest in Assembly
Chandrababu Naidu skill case
Ambati Rambabu challenges Balakrishna
Political tensions in AP Assembly
Heated start to legislative session
YCP vs. TDP confrontation
Mustache-twisting challenge in politics
AP Assembly chaos
Chandrababu Naidu's legal issues.
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