Azure Route Tables are a service used to control the routing of network traffic within an Azure virtual network. They allow you to create custom routes that define how packets are directed between subnets or to external destinations. With Route Tables, you can:
Override default system routes for more granular control over network traffic.
Define routes to on-premises networks through VPNs or ExpressRoute.
Improve security by routing traffic through Network Virtual Appliances (NVAs) or firewalls.
Control traffic flow between virtual machines and other resources within the same virtual network.
Route Tables help optimize network performance and enhance security by allowing more customized routing logic in Azure.
What are Azure Route tables?
Azure NetworkingAzure CloudAzure Network FoundationCloud NetworkingBastions AzureCustom IP PrefixesDNS Private ResolversDNS Zones AzureNAT GatewaysNetwork Interfaces AzurePrivate DNS ZonesPrivate Link AzurePublic IP Addresses AzureRoute Tables AzureVirtual Networks AzureAzure Networking TutorialAzure ServicesAzure InfrastructureAzure SecurityCloud Infrastructure