"Clash of Seasons" was the second in a long series of special shows aired on The Weather Channel. A Special Weather Statement scroll will interrupt the broadcast a handful of times. The local Cincinnati radar channel will appear twice.
00:00:00 Clash of Seasons - Thunderstorms (Liz Jarvis, Dennis Smith)
00:06:13 Local Forecast (Subtracts by Bill Connors)
00:07:15 Clash of Seasons - Hail (with Fred Ostby)
00:15:38 Local Forecast (Midnight Motion by Kenny G)
00:16:39 Clash of Seasons - Tornadoes
00:25:36 Local Forecast (Sade by Kenny G)
00:26:36 Clash of Seasons - Wind Shear and Downbursts
00:35:12 Local Forecast (The Juggler by Billy Cobham)
00:36:14 Clash of Seasons - Severe Weather Update, Roger Myers (FAA)
00:40:55 Cincinnati Radar
00:41:42 Local Forecast (The Juggler by Billy Cobham)
00:42:41 Clash of Seasons - Pursuit of Progress
00:51:22 Local Forecast (Lisa by David Sanborn)
00:52:24 Clash of Seasons - A Perfect Partnership, Daniel C. Prewitt (American Red Cross)
00:56:03 Cincinnati Radar
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