Darjeeling (West Bengal), Sep 27 (ANI): The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) on Wednesday pulled back the indefinite strike in demand for ‘Gorkhaland’ in West Bengal’s Darjeeling. GJM announced the move after Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh appealed for restoration of normalcy in the region. Yesterday, GJM Chief Bimal Gurung issued an audio message from an undisclosed location announcing his party’s decision to withdraw the bandh from 6A.M. today. Tuesday, GJM Chief Bimal Gurung issued an audio message from an undisclosed location announcing his party’s decision to withdraw the bandh. The bandh will be withdrawn from 6 am on Wednesday. Thousands of community members were indulged in strikes and protests attempting to get their voices heard by the state Government and the Centre.
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