IWA Production's six man tag team wrestling match between IWA Heavyweight Champion Christian Rose, Old School Thunder's Brandon Walker, & Superstar Billy Ray and "The Cupcake Kid" Scotty Hostass, Curly, & Joey O'Riley. From IWA Production's weekly free show on Wednesdays.
From December 16, 2009. (part 1 of 2)
IWA 6-Man Tag Match (part 1)
IWAIWA Productionswrestlingindie wrestlingfree show6-man tag team match6-man tag match6-man tagsix man tag team matchsix man tag matchsix man tagIWA Heavyweight ChampionIWA Champion Christian RoseChristian RoseBrandon WalkerOld School ThunderSuperstar Billy RayBilly Raythe Cupcake Kid Scotty HostassScotty HostassCupcake KidCurlyJoey O'Riley